Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berhitung dengan Permainan Puzzle Pada Anak Kelompok B Pancasila Klepu Sooko Ponorogo

  • Suko Budiono Universitas Doktor Nugroho Magetan
Keywords: Kemampuan berhitung, Permainan puzzle, TK Pancasila Klepu


This research is motivated by building the numeracy skills of Pancasila Klepu Kindergarten children in understanding the concept of numbers by using leg puzzle game media. This study aims to improve the numeracy skills of students at Pancasila Klepu Kindergarten through puzzle games. Data collection techniques are tests and non-tests, non-tests through observation, and tests through performance. Data analysis techniques are qualitative and quantitative. In cycle I, the results showed that listening to explanations and directions from the teacher was 59%, the ability to count numbers 1-20 according to the teacher's direction was 70%, the ability to sort numbers 1-20 without teacher direction was 70% and the numeracy skills achieved after using wooden puzzles were 65%. The results of the assessment in cycle II showed extraordinary development, namely 96%, the results of the study of children with BSH and BSB in cycle II showed that they listened to explanations and directions from the teacher, namely 96%, the ability to count numbers 1-20 according to the teacher's direction, namely 96%, the ability to sort numbers 1-20 with puzzles without teacher direction, namely 96% and the ability to count achieved after using wooden puzzles, namely 96%.


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How to Cite
Budiono, S. (2020). Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berhitung dengan Permainan Puzzle Pada Anak Kelompok B Pancasila Klepu Sooko Ponorogo. Eduscotech, 2(1). Retrieved from https://journal.udn.ac.id/index.php/eduscotech/article/view/190