Journal Systems<p>Eduscotech menerima artikel tentang pendidikan, sosial, sains, teknik, teknologi informasi dan ekonomi bisnis. Jurnal peer-review ini dapat menampung dosen peneliti, mahasiswa, dan praktisi di bidang pendidikan, fenomena sosial, teknologi dan ekonomi sebagai karya tulis ilmiah secara luas. Untuk panduan penulisan dapat dilihat dan mengikuti tata tulis pada Template Jurnal yang dapat di-<a title="Download Template Jurnal" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Download</a> di sini.</p> Dan Desain Sistem Informasi Bencana Adaptif Dan Respon Cepat Di Daerah Rawan<p>Magetan Regency is one of the regencies in East Java Province that is prone to the threat of landslides, this happens because Magetan Regency is located on the slope of Mount Lawu so it has a relatively steep slope. This research utilizes the application of Geographic Information Systems for vulnerability analysis. The level of landslide vulnerability in Magetan Regency uses 4 parameters, namely: soil type, land use, rainfall, and slope. This study aims to: analyze the distribution of landslide vulnerability levels in Magetan Regency, analyze the dominant factors of landslides in Magetan Regency, and formulate recommendations for landslide disaster mitigation in Magetan Regency. The method used in this study is a survey with a vulnerability level analysis unit. The sampling method in this study uses stratified random sampling based on the strata of land units.</p> <p>The data analysis methods used are, tiered overlay analysis, frequency table analysis, landslide vulnerability map analysis and field survey. The results of this study are 4 maps of landslide vulnerability, namely not vulnerable, less vulnerable, vulnerable, and very maintained. The average level of vulnerability in Magetan Regency is less vulnerable with an area of 36503.02 Ha. The dominant factor causing landslide vulnerability in Magetan Regency is land use with a percentage of 28.30%. Improper land use can cause land damage and loss of ability to minimize landslides. Disaster mitigation recommendations in Magetan Regency based on the results of analysis and field surveys are divided into 2 forms, namely: structural mitigation, and non-structural mitigation.</p>2024-06-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) Konsep Pondasi Untuk Semua Tipe Bangunan Gedung 2024-06-21T14:52:22+00:00Gamaliel K<p><em>Foundations are the basis of a building. The availability of a strong and sturdy foundation will greatly help the longevity of the building. Therefore, the foundation must be a priority in planning, because the foundation has the role and function of bearing all the loads of the building structure above it which is then transmitted to the ground. This journal aims to provide insight to everyone and especially business people in the property sector, so that when planning construction, you must pay attention to the technical aspects of the building that will be built on it. The method in preparing this journal is descriptive research with qualitative methods. Based on the description in this study, the author concludes several important things in planning foundations. Good foundation planning meets 4 criteria: a. Efficient in costs b. Effective in heavy structures c. Optimal in terms of time and method of implementation d. Efficient in building operation and maintenance. The choice of foundation model must pay attention to the soil bearing capacity aspect. Soil bearing capacity refers to the soil's ability to withstand structural loads. Analyze the bearing capacity of the soil to prevent shear failure or excessive foundation settlement</em>.</p>2024-06-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) Pengenalan Kesenian Tradisional (Seni Tari) Terhadap Anak Sejak Usia Dini 2024-06-21T14:57:07+00:00Rochmad Haryadi<p><em>Teacher Creativity Is Very Important To Support Learning. With Creativity, Teachers Can Easily Utilize All The Resources Around Them As Learning Materials. Without Creativity, Teachers Lose Or Lack The Ability To Present Material To Students. One Such Resource Is The Art Of Theorizing Learning And Packaging It In An Attractive Format To Arouse Students' Curiosity. This Research Aims To Gain Insight From All Educators About The Importance Of The Role Of Teachers And Increasing Creativity In Learning, Especially For PAUD Students. This Research Method Is Descriptive Library Research. Based On This Research, Creative Work Influences Children's Movements And Volitional Work, Makes It Easier For Students To Express Their Mental Experiences Through Movement Media, And Encourages Children To Channel Their Creativity By Improvising. There Will Be No Shortage Of Materials For Creativity In Teaching</em>.</p>2024-06-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) Buku Ajar Matematika Berbasis Pendekatan Matematika Realistik2024-07-03T14:20:11+00:00Taurinda Mahardiyanti<p><em>This study have objective to develop mathematics textbook based on realistic approach in the volume of cubes and blocks material to improve the understanding of grade V students SDN Bader 03 academic year 2020/2021which has valid and practical criteria. The type of research has used is Research and Development (R & D). Data collection techniques has used questionnaires, interviews, and tests. Data analysis technique has used is the criterion of BNSP 2007 textbook. The result of the research on the development of mathematics teaching book with this realistic approach can improve the understanding of grade V SDN Bader 03 students who have valid and practical, as evidenced by the validation of the experts for the eligibility of content with a value of 82.625, linguism of 81,150, presentation of 83,575, and graphical representation 83,983, with good category. As for the results of students' understanding tests get an average score of 80.125 that exceeds the existing KKM is 75. This proves that the development of textbooks based on realistic mathematics approach has a valid and practical criteria</em>.</p>2024-06-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) Bahasa Anak Tunarungu Menggunakan Sistem Isyando2024-07-10T09:53:04+00:00Santi Yudhawati Darmo<p><em>There are</em><em> several problems that arise in education of deaf children. One of them is that they acquire language development is different, it happens because of acquisition experience different languages. Language experiences children have of course greatly affect his vocabulary. As for the other issues that arise that deaf children acquire language through sign language experience. Where it takes time and training processes those deaf children can have a basic vocabulary to communicate as well as to the process of education. This study used an experimental method to study the type of comparative studies in which researchers have wanted to compare the ability of children's skills with Deaf girls and deaf boy in adding basic vocabulary using ISYANDO System. The subject is The boys student of SLB Beranda Istimewa Grudo Kecamatan Ngawi Kabupaten Ngawi. The basic word studied limited on noun, verb base, and adjectives. Based on the result of data processing, obtained value of U=4, The sub table shows that for U=4, have the opportunity to load HO (p) = 0.048, so based on the results of statistical tests above, it is shows that the nol hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. Because the value of p 50,05. It is appropriate with the stated criteria that reject Ho. If p ( a › b) 0,05 is 0,048 ‹ 0,05. Thus the research hypothesis which states that: “Deaf children's language acquisition using the Isyando system of female deaf children is better than that of male deaf children in SLB Beranda Istimewa Grudo Kecamatan Ngawi Kabupaten Ngawi is accepted, which means the ability of deaf girls in adding basic vocabulary using ISYANDO sistem better than the boys</em></p>2024-06-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) Penerapan Pembelajaran Berbasis Literasi dalam Meningkatkan Minat Baca Tulis Peserta Didik2024-07-17T12:32:53+00:00Heni<p><em>The literacy-based learning model is an innovative learning model that can create interesting and fun learning activities tailored to the characteristics of students. The stages of this development model include the stages of introduction, fusion, intra-integration, extra-integration, storage, reminder and communication. The literacy-based learning model is integrated with learning activities that make it possible to instill the habit of reading from an early age, which is usually called a reading culture. This model is a form of effort to increase motivation and interest in reading during classroom learning. Teachers must know that the existence of a literacy movement is not enough to accustom students to reading, therefore it is necessary to implement a literacy-based learning model to foster students' interest in reading.</em></p> <p><em>This research was conducted using a qualitative descriptive approach with a case study type of research which aims to provide a source of empirical studies from research results in elementary schools related to the implementation of learning models that have been implemented in fostering students' interest in reading and writing. This research also examines the efforts made by schools and teachers to develop students who like to read and have the ability to write to make the literacy movement program launched by the government a success as a learning model approach in elementary schools for teachers, student teachers and related educational service institutions.</em></p> <p><em>Based on the findings from the results of this research, it can be concluded that elementary schools have implemented literacy-based learning with school efforts in providing facilities and infrastructure that support students' interest in reading and the role of teachers in implementing literacy-based learning. The stages of implementing a literacy-based learning model include introduction, integration, intra-integration, extra-integration, storage, reminder and communication activities. Introduction activities are the initial stage of reading activities in recognizing the types of books to read. Intra-integration is connecting the contents of the book with experience. Extra integration means students analyze and conclude their opinions regarding the contents of the reading book. Storage is the process of students absorbing the contents of reading books. Recall means that students can remember the contents of the reading as knowledge that can be utilized in the future. Communication means students communicate the content of the reading well and correctly</em>.</p>2024-06-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) Pemasaran Umbi Porang (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume) ( Studi Kasus : Kelompok Tani Pandan di Desa Klangon Kecamatan Saradan Kabupaten Madiun)2024-08-13T08:03:11+00:00Ade Yoga<p>Indonesia is an agricultural country where the majority of the population lives from farming, so agriculture is a sector that plays an important role in the welfare of the lives of the Indonesian population. In increasing the competitiveness and added value of Indonesian agricultural products, efficiency is needed in the production system, processing and quality control as well as product sustainability supported by promotion and marketing efforts. The porang plant has the prospect of being an alternative food ingredient which is starting to be developed due to the increasing need for food. Based on these conditions, this research aims to: (1) Identify and analyze the marketing system for porang tubers through marketing channels, and marketing functions (2) Analyze the marketing efficiency of porang tubers through marketing margins,farmer’s share and the value of the profit ratio in each marketing institution in Klangon Village, Saradan District, Madiun Regency. The data used in this research are primary data and secondary data. The method used ispurposive sampling for farmers and methods snowball for marketing agencies. The marketing institutions involved are farmer groups (pandan), collecting traders and retailers. The results of the analysis show that marketing channel 5 is the most efficient channel for producer farmers with the smallest marketing margin value of IDR 800..farmer’s share the largest was 73.33% and the smallest total marketing costs was IDR 320.</p>2024-06-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) Manajemen Peserta Didik Dalam Peningkatan Prestasi Belajar Akademik Dan Non Akademik2024-08-13T12:33:57+00:00Purwo<p><em>Improving the quality of education through improving the quality of management and school leadership policies in the learning process is one way that can be taken to improve the quality of education at SMKN 1 Ponorogo. The evaluation results show that plans to improve academic achievement that have been implemented include: (a) Program for identifying students' intelligence and potential. (b) Student grouping program. (c) Learning motivation program. (d) Disciplinary program. Meanwhile, planning to improve non-academic achievement includes: (a) Identifying non-academic activities that suit students' talents, interests and potential. (b) Socialization of non-academic activities. (c) Identification of facilities and infrastructure supporting non-academic activities. Implementation of improving academic achievement includes: (a) Identifying students' intelligence and potential. (b) Student grouping. (c) Direction and guidance on learning motivation. (d) directing and fostering student discipline. </em></p> <p><em>Meanwhile, the results of the evaluation of the strategies implemented have been effective in increasing non-academic achievements, including: (a) organizing non-academic activities in accordance with students' talents, interests and potential. (b) encourage student participation in organized non-academic activities. (c) grouping students into selected non-academic activities. (d) appoint supervisors for non-academic activities according to their competence. Meanwhile, the implementation of coaching has been effective in improving academic and non-academic achievements, including: (a) Carrying out written tests and observations based on instruments determined in accordance with the school's academic and non-academic development plans and strategies. (b) Comparing the achievement of learning outcomes with the specified targets. (c) Strategy for developing student potential through actively involving students in competitions in various areas of competency expertise</em>.</p>2024-06-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) Peserta Didik SDN 1 Maospati Dalam Pembelajaran PJOK 2024-09-03T09:55:39+00:00Bayu Purwo<p><em>The problem in this research is that students' understanding of the benefits of Physical Education and Sports (PJOK) is still very low. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the interest level of fifth-grade students in participating in PJOK lessons at SDN 1 Maospati. The design of this research is descriptive quantitative using a survey method. The population of this study includes all fifth-grade students at SDN 1 Maospati, totaling 27 students. This research uses a closed-ended questionnaire with a reliability of 0.986 and a validity of 0.234. The data obtained were then analyzed descriptively and quantitatively using a percentage scale. The results of this study indicate that the interest of students in participating in PJOK lessons for fifth-grade students at SDN 1 Maospati falls into the very high category, with the following breakdown: high category with 11 students (40.74%), moderate category with 8 students (29.69%), low category with 3 students (11.11%), and very low category with 5 students (18.51%)</em></p>2024-06-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) Model Pembelajaran Teknik Dasar Smash Pada Permainan Bulu Tangkis Siswa Kelas VII MtS Miftahul Ulum Karanganyar Todanan Kabupaten Blora2024-09-05T07:10:59+00:00Rohmad<p>This research is a descriptive explorative survey research using a qualitative approach. The respondent selection technique is purposive sample or purposeful sample. Data was taken using a questionnaire then analyzed using descriptive percentage.</p> <p>From the results of the study in general, the average interest in playing badminton in class VII students of Mts Miftahul Ulum Karanganyar Todanan Blora Regency. there are 36 students or 60.17% in the very high interest category, 8 students or 34.32% in the high interest category, 5 students or 2.87% in the medium category and 2 students or 2.54% in the low category. The high interest in playing football is shown from the results of the chi square calculation obtained X2 count of 97.207 while X2table 9.488 so that X2count = 97.207> X2table = 9.488. In fact, most of the class VII students of Mts Miftahul Ulum Blora Regency have a very high interest.</p> <p>From the research, it can be concluded that 1) there is an interest in playing football among students of class VII Mts Miftahul Ulum Karanganyar Todanan, Blora Regency. 2) interest in playing football among students of class VII Mts Miftahul Ulum Karanganyar Todanan, Blora Regency is in the very high category. The school is advised to pay attention to coaching in order to improve the facilities needed in badminton games.</p>2024-06-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c)