Minat Peserta Didik SDN 1 Maospati Dalam Pembelajaran PJOK

  • Bayu Purwo Adhi Universitas Doktor Nugroho Magetan
  • Eko Pujianto Universitas Doktor Nugroho Magetan
  • Taurinda Mahardiyanti Universitas Doktor Nugroho Magetan
  • Afiatunisa SDN Gununggedangan 1 Mojokerto
Keywords: Interest, Students, Physical education Learning


The problem in this research is that students' understanding of the benefits of Physical Education and Sports (PJOK) is still very low. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the interest level of fifth-grade students in participating in PJOK lessons at SDN 1 Maospati. The design of this research is descriptive quantitative using a survey method. The population of this study includes all fifth-grade students at SDN 1 Maospati, totaling 27 students. This research uses a closed-ended questionnaire with a reliability of 0.986 and a validity of 0.234. The data obtained were then analyzed descriptively and quantitatively using a percentage scale. The results of this study indicate that the interest of students in participating in PJOK lessons for fifth-grade students at SDN 1 Maospati falls into the very high category, with the following breakdown: high category with 11 students (40.74%), moderate category with 8 students (29.69%), low category with 3 students (11.11%), and very low category with 5 students (18.51%)


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How to Cite
Purwo Adhi, B., Pujianto, E., Mahardiyanti, T., & Afiatunisa, A. (2024). Minat Peserta Didik SDN 1 Maospati Dalam Pembelajaran PJOK . Eduscotech, 5(2). Retrieved from https://journal.udn.ac.id/index.php/eduscotech/article/view/184