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Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal’s published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgment of its initial publication in this journal.<br>4. Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work.<br>5. The article and any associated published material is distributed under the&nbsp;<a href="" rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a></p> (Ari Suhartanto) (Admin) Thu, 04 Jan 2024 07:01:19 +0000 OJS 60 Kegiatan Pembelajaran Out Door Melalui Permainan Bendera Estafet Untuk Meningkatkan Kerja Sama Anak Di Kelompok Bermain Wijaya Kusuma Pilangkenceng Madiun <p><em>This research aimed to determine whether or not outdoor learning through relay flag game can improve children cooperation play group Wijaya Kusuma, Pilangkenceng district Madiun Regency. Subject in this research were all of the children play group Wijaya Kusuma, Pilangkenceng district Madiun Regency. The number of student who studdied 18 children. There 6 girls and 12 boys. Technigue of collecting data used interview, observation and documentation. Technigue of analysis data that is used in this research was assessment sheet that was observation sheet which useful to record observation directly to the object of research. The results shown the pre cycle learning process, first cycle and second cycle can be concluded that in this research was successful because in the second cycle has exceeded the target score, that was improvement children cooperation through relay flag game with completeness score that reached more that 80 % of children from all of the children play group Wijaya Kusuma, Pilangkenceng district Madiun Regency.</em></p> Santi Yudhawati Darmo Copyright (c) Thu, 04 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaranan Berbasis Kontekstual Untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Rumus Bangun Datar Sederhana Siswa Kelas V SDN Bader 02 <p>This research is intended to find out how how the development of contextual-based learning tools to improve the understanding of the simple flat-build formula of fifth grade students of Bader 02 Elementary School. The development of the learning tool takes into account the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of the product. The type of research used is the type of research and development. This development research uses the development procedure of Borg and Gall. Data collection techniques used are non-systematic observation, interviews, expert validation questionnaires and student understanding tests. Data analysis techniques used descriptive data analysis. The results of this research are the development of contextual-based learning tools that can improve the understanding of simple flat-build formulas of fifth grade students of Bader 02 Elementary School, Madiun District, Academic Year 2021/2022. This is due to the validity of the learning device through the results of the validation questionnaire of the feasibility experts, which are 91.85, linguistic 90.05, presentation 91.2, graphics 87. The practicality of the product based on the results of interviews with mathematics teachers and fifth grade students resulted in positive responses, interesting products related to real life, feasible. Effectiveness based on observation results is a positive change in teacher activity, activeness of student attitudes, and percentage of students' comprehension test results get an average score of 86 out of 19 students exceeding the KKM 75. Categorized 79% of very capable students, 21% of students are able to study mathematics.</p> Taurinda Mahardiyanti Copyright (c) Fri, 05 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Peningkatan Kreativitas Guru Kesenian Terhadap Pendidikan Seni Tari Siswa PAUD <p><em>Teacher creativity in supporting learning is absolutely necessary. With creativity, a teacher will be able to easily utilize all the resources around him to use as learning materials. Without creativity, a teacher will lose or lack skills in presenting material to their students. One of these resources is the art of theorizing and packaging learning in an interesting form so that it will foster curiosity in students. This research aims to reopen every educator's insight into the importance of the teacher's role and build creativity in learning. Especially for PAUD students. In this literature research, knowledge, ideas or findings contained in the literature are studied so as to provide theoretical and scientific information regarding the role of arts teachers' creativity in the dance education of PAUD students. Aspects of arts teacher creativity used as a study discussion in this research are dance in children's education, dance education for children, creative teachers, the role of dance teacher creativity, enjoyment of movement, rhythmic ability, ability to connect movement with imagination. Based on this research, it will be easier for students to express their mental experiences through movement media, stimulate children to channel their creativity, and give children the opportunity to improvise, because the function of creativity does not limit children's movements and with the teacher. own creativity there will be no shortage of materials</em></p> Rochmad Haryadi Copyright (c) 2024 Eduscotech Tue, 09 Jan 2024 13:21:25 +0000 Efektifitas Kuliner Tradisional Sebagai Daya Tarik Wisata Di Magetan <p><em>This research aims to explore the potential of Magetan's local culinary specialties which can be appointed as an icon of tourist attraction in Magetan. In this research, the author highlighted 5 (five) types of typical Magetan food and 7 (seven) types of snacks/souvenirs typical of Magetan which can be used as tourist icons. This research was carried out by applying the correlation test method to the level of liking for local culinary delights and the attractiveness of tourists at tourist locations spread across Magetan.</em></p> <p><em>The conclusion from this method is that there is a significant relationship between local culinary products and tourist attractions in Magetan, however, continuous promotion, unique packaging, processing that is suitable for consumption and assistance from the local government is needed to continuously provide encouragement to the community to continue to preserve local culinary delights as regional assets.</em></p> Yoedi Wicaksono Copyright (c) Wed, 10 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Eksperimen Pembuatan Cake Subtitusi Tepung Tempe <p><em>There are many variations of cake that use raw materials other than wheat flour. Another ingredient that can be used as a substitute for wheat flour is tempeh flour. As a food ingredient, tempeh is a healthy alternative food. The high protein and crude fiber content can function effectively to improve poor nutritional status, and overcome digestive disorders (diarrhea) and even stop gastrointestinal infections in children aged 6-24 months. However, tempeh cannot be stored for long because it rots quickly, its shelf life is only 2-24 months. 3 days. Therefore, treatment needs to be carried out to extend the shelf life and one of the tempeh derivative products is made from tempeh flour which is then developed into processed products from tempeh flour. This prompted the author to conduct research with the title "Experiments in Making Cake Substitute for Tempeh Flour". The aims of this research are: 1) To find out whether there is a difference in the use of tempeh flour substitutes. 2) To determine the level of public preference for the quality of cake substituted with tempeh flour. 3) To determine the nutritional content of protein and crude fiber content of cake substituted for tempeh flour.</em></p> <p><em>The research object used was a cake substitute for tempeh flour. The tempeh used is obtained from the tempeh industry in the area as well as medium protein wheat flour, which is odorless, moldy. The experimental design used was perfectly random. The independent variable in this research is the substitution of tempeh flour with percentages of 0%, 15%, 30%, and 45% which are calculated from the total wheat flour in making cakes. The dependent variables are sensory quality, level of people's liking, and protein and crude fiber content of the experimental cake. Data analysis used single classification analysis of variance (ANOVA) and continued with the Tukey test to analyze the sensory test, and the average to analyze the liking test. Laboratory test to determine the protein content and crude fiber of the cake from the experimental results. Research results: 1) There is a difference in the sensory quality of the 0%, 15%, 30%, 45% tempe flour substitute cake and the control cake in terms of the aspects of color, typical cake aroma, typical aroma of the ingredients used, pore texture, soft texture, and taste . 2) The highest percentage of preferences of the four samples was the sample with 15% tempeh flour substitution. 3) The 45% tempeh flour substitute cake sample had the highest average protein content, namely 10.2% protein content, 8.2% crude fiber.</em></p> Nia Agustina Copyright (c) Wed, 10 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Studi Pembuatan Susu Kedelai Dengan Penambahan Ekstrak Kulit Buah Naga (Hylozereus Polyrhizus) <p><em>T</em><em>his research aims to investigate the influence of adding dragon fruit peel extract and gum arabic on the quality of soy milk. The study employs a factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with two replications. Factor I involves the addition of dragon fruit peel extract coded as (D), comprising four levels: D1 = 20%, D2 = 40%, D3 = 60%, D4 = 80%. Factor II involves the addition of gum arabic concentration coded as (G), comprising four levels: G1 = 0.1%, G2 = 0.2%, G3 = 0.3%, G4 = 0.4%. Observed parameters include antioxidants, pH, protein content, taste, and color. The research reveals that the addition of dragon fruit peel extract significantly impacts (p &lt; 0.01) protein content, antioxidants, pH, taste, and color. The concentration of gum arabic also significantly influences (p &lt; 0.01) these variables. The interaction between dragon fruit peel extract and gum arabic significantly affects (p &lt; 0.01) antioxidant levels, with the highest variation in the D4G4 treatment (68.745) and the lowest in D1G1 (42.560). Nevertheless, this interaction does not significantly affect protein content, pH, taste, and color.</em></p> Gesa Aldin Barqin Copyright (c) Wed, 10 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Evaluasi Kualitas Fisik Dan Sensoris Beras Analog Berbasis Bahan Tepung Tapioka <p><em>Rice is a staple food for the majority of Indonesian people. The high level of rice consumption in Indonesia is one of the reasons why Indonesia still imports rice. The volume of Indonesian rice imports in 2018 was 2.2 million tons, an increase compared to 2017 which only reached 305.75 thousand tons (BPS, 2019). One way to reduce people's dependence on rice is to utilize local non-rice food ingredients that are not yet widely used, which is called food diversification. Analog rice is a diversified processed food product that is processed from non-rice ingredients, namely non-rice cereals such as corn and tubers, which have almost the same or more carbohydrate content than rice (BPPP, 2019). The advantage of analog rice, apart from its shape which resembles rice grains, is that its nutritional composition can be designed using various raw materials so that it has the desired functional properties and can be cooked and consumed like rice. In this study, the added concentration of tapioca used was 12.5%. The tapioca concentration used is no more than 12.5% because it produces analog rice whose texture is too chewy. The results of this research conclude that the analog rice processing process using a double screw extruder has succeeded in resembling rice grains, which have physical characteristics (grain shape, texture before and after cooking, cooking techniques) like rice. Analog rice cooking techniques can use a rice cooker, making the processing process easier. Analog rice has been accepted by the public in terms of color, shape and texture.</em></p> <p><em>The development of analog rice using various types of non-rice raw materials is one effort to support the community's food diversification program. Consuming analog rice which comes from a variety of food ingredients means that people indirectly consume various types of food ingredients so that the source of nutrition does not only come from one type of food (rice). Another advantage of analog rice is that it can be consumed like rice (along with side dishes) so it doesn't change people's eating habits.</em></p> Annisa Aulia Rahma Copyright (c) Wed, 10 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Pengaruh Penambahan Bubuk Kayu Manis Terhadap Karakteristik Cookies Labu Kuning <p><em>When making cookies, flavors are usually added to add taste. These mocaf brown rice flour cookies are added with cinnamon powder as a flavor to make the cookies taste better. Cinnamon (Cinnamomun burmanni) is widely used as a kitchen spice and medicine. Cinnamon is efficacious in increasing the body's endurance because it contains high antioxidants. Cinnamon contains essential oils (cinnamaldehyde, eugenol, terpenes), starch, calcium oxalate, and fat. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research on making pumpkin cookies with the addition of cinnamon powder. It is hoped that this research can produce cookies that consumers will like. The aim of this research is to find out the right concentration of cinnamon powder to produce characteristics of cookies that consumers like.</em></p> <p><em>Based on the proximate analysis carried out, the treatment given had a real influence on the water content, ash content, protein and fat produced in the cookies. Panelists preferred the taste of pumpkin cookies treated with P1 with any cinnamon composition, while samples P2 and P3 only had 1% cinnamon composition. For and still prefer pumpkin cookies in treatments P2 and P3 in terms of aroma.</em></p> Heny Herawati Copyright (c) Wed, 10 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Kegiatan Outbound Untuk Membentuk Kemandirian Dan Kemampuan Berinteraksi Anak Pada TK. Suratmajan <p><em>Children begin to develop independence which is characterized by the freedom to do things their own way, namely children can run, jump, jump on their own. Lack of independence in children is caused by a lack of variety in learning activities to develop independence. Conditions like this have an impact on children's social emotional development, especially children's independence which does not develop optimally. Based on the observation sheet for children's independence and the observation sheet for the outbound game method, the outbound game method can increase children's independence and ability to interact and is declared successful. This research method uses the Classroom Action Research method with the help of data collection tools in the form of observations and children's performances. Based on the results of implementation and evaluation, it is known that there is an increase in the independence of children aged 4-5 years through the outbound game method at Suratmajan Kindergarten.</em></p> Heni Purwulan Copyright (c) Wed, 10 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000