Pendekatan Pendidikan Kewirausahaan Digital Dalam Meningkatkan Minat Wirausaha Mahasiswa FKIP UDN Magetan

  • Marsini Universitas Doktor Nugroho Magetan
Keywords: Digital Entrepreneurship Education, Entrepreneurial Interest, Entrepreneurship Development


The Entrepreneurship Development Program is implemented to foster an entrepreneurial spirit in the digital era among students. It is hoped that it will become a vehicle for synergistic integration between mastery of science and technology with an entrepreneurial spirit. Apart from that, it is also hoped that the results of research and development will not only have academic value, but will also have added value for the nation's economic independence. With the increase in entrepreneurs from FKIP UDN Magetan undergraduates, it is hoped that this will reduce the increase in the number of unemployed and even increase the number of job opportunities.

Based on research results, entrepreneurial interest is determined by the entrepreneurial education they have actually undergone and the influence of examples of successful entrepreneurs who will later change their mindset in starting a business. The relationship between variables X and Y was strengthened by carrying out a significance test to find out whether this relationship applies to the 52 respondents or not. The results obtained as previously described were 76.8% of students' entrepreneurial interest influenced by the Digital Entrepreneurship Education aspect which is an aspect discussed in this research, while the remaining 23.2% was influenced by other factors not discussed in this research, such as aspects of entrepreneurial capital, competence. teaching staff, entrepreneurial mindset, external and internal environmental factors and so on. Based on this, entrepreneurial interest is determined by the actual entrepreneurial education they have undergone and the influence of examples of successful entrepreneurs which will later change their mindset in starting a business


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How to Cite
Marsini. (2024). Pendekatan Pendidikan Kewirausahaan Digital Dalam Meningkatkan Minat Wirausaha Mahasiswa FKIP UDN Magetan. Eduscotech, 5(1). Retrieved from