Pengaruh Latihan Pliometrik Depth Jump dan Jump To Box Terhadap Kekuatan Otot Tungkai Pada Siswa SMK Plus Darus Salam Kota Kediri

  • Galang Sulaksono Universitas Doktor Nugroho Magetan
Keywords: Plyometric, Depth Jump, Jump to box, Leg Muscles


The purpose of this study was to determine 1) the effect of depth jump plyometrics exercises on leg muscle strength, 2) the effect of jump to box plyometrics exercises on leg muscle strength, and 3) which exercises were better between depth jump pliometrics or jump to box plyometrics. This study uses a quasi-experimental design, with the static group interpretest-posttestdesign research method. The population in this study was 35 students in grade X of Kediri Plus Darussalam Kediri. Sampling in this study using pre-sampling technique where students who take volleyball extracurricular activities at SMK Plus Darus Salam Kediri are used as samples in this study, amounting to 20 people. The results of the calculation of different test between groups using One Way Anova obtained p depth jump group = 0.03 <0.05 which means there is an influence (significant) and p group jump to box = 0.002 <0.05 which means there is an influence (significant). The results show that the two groups p <0.05, which means that Ho is rejected. Jump to box exercises are better than depth jump exercises. This is shown from the results of the hypothesis test (ANOVA) that P jump to box is smaller than P depth jump, namely P jump to box 0.02 while P depth jump 0.03.


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How to Cite
Sulaksono, G. (2019). Pengaruh Latihan Pliometrik Depth Jump dan Jump To Box Terhadap Kekuatan Otot Tungkai Pada Siswa SMK Plus Darus Salam Kota Kediri. Eduscotech, 1(1), 1-7. Retrieved from