Evaluasi Biaya Pekerjaan Pondasi PJU di Desa Wonokerto, Kec.Wonosalam Jombang

  • Kusnadi Jarek Universitas Doktor Nugroho Magetan
Keywords: PJU Wonokerto, street lighting, street lights


Public street lighting (PJU) is a public facility that really needs to be provided in public crossing areas. The availability of PJUs in neighborhoods or residential areas is absolutely necessary. Street lights, also known as highway lights (PJU), are lights that illuminate the road at night so that road users can see the road they are traveling on at night, thereby creating safety and security. The main function of Street Lights (PJU) is to provide artificial lighting to road users so that they remain safe when traveling at night. Based on the results of analysis of material and labor costs for PJU foundation work in Wonokerto Village, Wonosalam District, Kab. Jombang, the author details the cost requirements of IDR 5,664,983.4. Of course, this cost does not include manufacturing costs, pole reinforcement costs and electrical costs. With this PJU, it is hoped that all stakeholders can always work together in maintaining and maintaining existing PJU facilities/infrastructure. This is not only the duty and responsibility of local village officials and the District Transportation Service. Jombang, but this is also the responsibility of local residents, especially residents of Wonokerto Village.


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How to Cite
Jarek, K. (2024). Evaluasi Biaya Pekerjaan Pondasi PJU di Desa Wonokerto, Kec.Wonosalam Jombang. Eduscotech, 5(2). Retrieved from https://journal.udn.ac.id/index.php/eduscotech/article/view/187