Evaluasi Biaya Pelaksanaan Proyek Perumahan Pperseorangan Oleh PT. Revifa Perkasa Jaya

  • Aditiya Dwi Pradana Universitas Doktor Nugroho Magetan
  • Kusnadi Jarek Universitas Doktor Nugroho Magetan
Keywords: Evaluation, Budget and Project Cost, private house


This study aims to compare the total budget costs and budget realization costs in one of the projects. Evaluation of the Cost of Implementation of Individual Housing Projects by PT. Revifa Perkasa Jaya Jombang 2023 using variance analysis, namely cost variance, to find out whether the costs used are appropriate, less or exceed the estimated budget, by calculating the difference from the budget plan to the actual budget. The research uses a quantitative approach with a comparative descriptive analysis type, namely comparing budget plans with budget realization in the field.

In conclusion, the research results show that PT. Revifa Perkasa Jaya in implementing the Type 100 Individual Housing project in controlling costs is carried out by means of an orderly budget for each activity, where based on a comparison between budget and realization, of the 14 types of cost budgets the number of favorable (favorable) variances is 5 larger than the unfavorable (unfavorable) variances. profitable). This project was implemented in 120 days per 25 July 2022, which in previous estimates had to be completed by 20 June 2022. There was a delay in completion of 37 days. This causes very significant cost overruns.


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How to Cite
Dwi Pradana, A., & Jarek, K. (2023). Evaluasi Biaya Pelaksanaan Proyek Perumahan Pperseorangan Oleh PT. Revifa Perkasa Jaya . Eduscotech, 4(2). Retrieved from https://journal.udn.ac.id/index.php/eduscotech/article/view/140