Optimalisasi Pemanfaatan Lahan Proyek Perumahan dengan Analisa Kelayakan Proyek untuk Meningkatkan Proyeksi Laba/Keuntungan Pengembang Perumahan

  • Kusnadi Jarek Universitas Doktor Nugroho Magetan
Keywords: Feasibility Analysis, Optimization of Land Use, Increasing Profit Projections


Residential developers are a field of construction project work that uses many project management applications. A good housing arrangement is not only an attraction for prospective buyers/customers, but also gives an aesthetic impression that provides comfort for its residents. Residential projects generally involve all areas of expertise in project management. Spatial planning, architecture, building structures, public and social infrastructure, electricity and water sanitation networks and good managerial and financial capabilities. As a developer, it's good to have a comprehensive understanding of what is required to be implemented and provided as a developer.

In this journal the author wants to provide knowledge and insight to all people, especially business actors in the field of housing development / construction contractors in general. Starting from land planning, allocation of land use, procurement of facilities/infrastructure, calculation of project unit prices and marketing plans. The method used in the implementation of housing projects is to make a feasibility analysis that starts from the calculation of investment ROI, PI, PBP, NPV and IRR.


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How to Cite
Jarek, K. (2021). Optimalisasi Pemanfaatan Lahan Proyek Perumahan dengan Analisa Kelayakan Proyek untuk Meningkatkan Proyeksi Laba/Keuntungan Pengembang Perumahan. Eduscotech, 2(2). Retrieved from https://journal.udn.ac.id/index.php/eduscotech/article/view/129