Manajemen Supervisi Pendidikan Untuk Meningkatkan Profesional Guru Di SDN Kincang 1 Jiwan Kabupaten Madiun

  • Mujiono Universitas Doktor Nugroho Magetan
Keywords: Educational Supervision Management, Teacher Professionalis program


One of the efforts to improve the quality of human resources is through the learning process in schools. In an effort to improve the quality of educational resources, teachers are a component of human resources that must be nurtured and developed continuously. The problem discussed in this research is how the principal's supervision management improves teacher professionalism at SDN I Kincang. Therefore, this research aims to describe the principal's supervision management in increasing teacher professionalism andexisting problems and efforts to overcome them.It is hoped that the results of this research will be useful in efforts to increase teacher professionalism and as a scientific reference for further research. The research carried out in this work is classified as field research with a qualitative approach. as subjects in this research were the principal, deputy principal, and teachers at SDN Kincang I Jiwan. This research uses data collection methods with interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis was carried out using qualitative descriptive analysis using an inductive and deductive approach. From the research results, it can be concluded that the implementation of supervision management at SDN Kincang I Jiwan is to increase teacher professionalism, namely that the principal carries out the management process including: planning, implementation, evaluation and follow-up. Apart from that, the madrasa head is guided by the principle of cooperation, so that school efforts are allocated to members.


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How to Cite
Mujiono. (2023). Manajemen Supervisi Pendidikan Untuk Meningkatkan Profesional Guru Di SDN Kincang 1 Jiwan Kabupaten Madiun. Eduscotech, 4(2). Retrieved from

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