Peranan Kreatifitas Guru Kesenian Terhadap Pendidikan Seni Tari Siswa PAUD

  • Rochmad Haryadi STKIP PGRI Ponorogo
Keywords: creative teachers, creative children, improvisation, creativity


Teacher creativity in supporting learning is absolutely necessary. With creativity, a teacher will be able to easily utilize all the resources around him to use as learning materials. Without creativity, a teacher will lose or lack the skills to present material to his students. One of these resources is the art of theorizing and packaging learning in an interesting form so that it will foster a sense of curiosity in students. This research aims to reopen every educator's insight into the importance of the teacher's role and building creativity in learning. Especially for PAUD students. The method in this research is descriptive research on literature studies. Based on this research, it will be easier for students to express their mental experiences through the medium of movement, stimulate children to channel their creativity, give children the opportunity to improvise, because the function of creativity does not limit children's movements and with the teacher's own creativity there will be no shortage of materials.


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How to Cite
Haryadi, R. (2023). Peranan Kreatifitas Guru Kesenian Terhadap Pendidikan Seni Tari Siswa PAUD. Eduscotech, 4(2). Retrieved from