PKM Pemberdayaan Guru Sekolah Dasar Dalam Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter (PPK) Di Kecamatan Madiun

  • Suhardi Universitas Doktor Nugroho Magetan
Keywords: Empowerment of Elementary Teachers, Reinforcement Character Education


Character education is very important for elementary students. Character education in elementary  schools will teach the habits of thinking and behavior that help students to live and work together in the family, community, and nation. Some of the problems that arise in the world of education include the lack of exemplary character of teachers to students, low understanding of teachers about character education, and lack of training for teachers to understand the importance of character education. It encourages proposers to incorporate ideas and ideas that solve the problem in training activities. So the proposer takes title of Teacher Empowerment elementary 0approach method is used in devotion to this community with training activities. To know the success of the training activities, the proposal proponent will carry out the mentoring after the training activity has ended. The result of this dedication to the community can be concluded that the training is quite successful where the trainees are very enthusiastic in the training activities, it is also because each teacher has not received socialization from the government related to the government policy by providing Character Education reinforcement in School. From the results of the mentoring shows each teacher has developed an understanding and knowledge related to character education in schools. It is apparent from the results of anget teachers who have implemented character education in various activities at school.


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How to Cite
Suhardi. (2023). PKM Pemberdayaan Guru Sekolah Dasar Dalam Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter (PPK) Di Kecamatan Madiun. Eduscotech, 4(2). Retrieved from