Tindak Penipuan Bisnis Online dalam Kajian Perspektif Hukum Pidana dan Sosiologi Pada Masyarakat Sosial Media

  • Sumartono Sumartono Universitas Doktor Nugroho Magetan
  • Ari Suhartanto Universitas Doktor Nugroho Magetan
Keywords: Online Business Fraud, Criminal Law and Sociology Perspective, Social Media Society


This research is a study related to the problem of fraud in ecommerce transactions via Facebook social media both in terms of legal efforts by victims and sociological phenomena formed in what mode is carried out by perpetrators of fraud in e-commerce transactions through Facebook social media by digging into sources respondents 22 nicknames of victims of fraud randomly. The results of the case study in this study found that there are many types of fraud in Ecommerce transactions on Facebook social media. E-commerce fraud does not only occur to buyers, but also occurs to the seller or dropshipper or third parties. Some also occur in new ways such as online social gathering or exchange of goods or barter online. In Indonesia, the development of computer and information technology as well as business development via the internet or e-commerce has not been followed by adequate legal arrangements in the form of legislation that specifically regulates it. The perpetrators previously had to check the track record of the online shop or individual has a good or bad record so as to minimize the occurrence of fraud because it is not supported by a system that guarantees financial security.As victims of fraud in E-commerce transactions on social media Facebook should take steps to take legal action. Because it can reduce the perpetrators of fraud in Ecommerce. In addition to social sanctions, legal sanctions can also provide a deterrent effect for perpetrators of fraud, so the victim should continue to pursue legal efforts without withdrawing the complaint when experiencing the case.


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How to Cite
Sumartono, S., & Suhartanto, A. (2019). Tindak Penipuan Bisnis Online dalam Kajian Perspektif Hukum Pidana dan Sosiologi Pada Masyarakat Sosial Media . Eduscotech, 1(1), 72-84. Retrieved from https://journal.udn.ac.id/index.php/eduscotech/article/view/10