Lilis Lestari Eksotika Dan Makna Simbolis Tari Slempang Ornas Kaliwunggu - Kabupaten Lumajang

  • Lilis Lestari Sekolah Tinggi Kesenian Wilwatikta
Keywords: Exotic,, Symbolic Meaning, Salempang Ornas Dance


Lumajang Regency which has many traditional cultural treasures, one of which is the Ornas Slempang Dance in Kaliwungu Village - Tempeh District, Lumajang Regency. This form of creativity and performance of the Ornas Salempang dance is an important event that has a symbolic meaning that is presented, namely a visual form that symbolizes an expression of local culture and community expression through this art form.
This study uses a qualitative method and is a descriptive study because the discussion describes the choreography. The study in this study is limited to the problem of how the uniqueness and exotica and the symbolic meaning of the Slempang dance are today. The purpose of the study was to determine and describe the form of the Slempang Ornas dance performance from the beginning it was presented until it developed due to what factors and how the form of creativity was carried out by the artist so that it became an exotica tourist destination in Lumajang as a local cultural product about traditional dance offerings. The Slempang Ornas dance is a dance performance that has several mediums, movements, sounds, dramas, and jokes. The values of the Slempang ornas dance, which have unique and interesting multi-characteristics, are an appreciation of the community's ability to provide responses to estimate the aesthetic value of a work of art or environmental conditions. The results of the presentation concluded that the Slempang Ornas dance in the village of Kaliwungu, Tempeh District, Lumajang Regency was in the form of a folk dance that expressed the life of rural communities where during the Dutch colonial era the natives were forced to cultivate (forced labor) carried out by the Dutch colonialists. The pattern of movement reflects an attitude and behavior in the life of the indigenous and Dutch people, either personally or socially or collectively. The results of this study, the development of the era and the number of entertainment worlds that are conveyed through electronic media, as well as the lack of attention from the government that the Slemapng Ornas dance has experienced a slight setback from the Covid -19 event, almost 2 years of inactivity has resulted in the decline of the creative economy sector which is an asset for cultural tourism visits. in Lumajang Regency. This is proven according to sources, the Slempang Ornas dance performance previously performed 25 times in one month, but due to Covid it has decreased drastically to never at all.


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How to Cite
Lestari, L. (2022). Lilis Lestari Eksotika Dan Makna Simbolis Tari Slempang Ornas Kaliwunggu - Kabupaten Lumajang. Eduscotech, 3(2). Retrieved from