Pemerolehan Bahasa Anak Tunarungu Menggunakan Sistem Isyando

  • Santi Yudhawati Darmo
Keywords: Isyando System, Basic words, Deaf children


There are several problems that arise in education of deaf children. One of them is that they acquire language development is different, it happens because of acquisition experience different languages. Language experiences children have of course greatly affect his vocabulary. As for the other issues that arise that deaf children acquire language through sign language experience. Where it takes time and training processes those deaf children can have a basic vocabulary to communicate as well as to the process of education. This study used an experimental method to study the type of comparative studies in which researchers have wanted to compare the ability of children's skills with Deaf girls and deaf boy  in adding basic vocabulary using ISYANDO System. The subject is The boys student of  SLB Beranda Istimewa Grudo Kecamatan Ngawi Kabupaten Ngawi. The basic word studied limited on noun, verb base, and adjectives. Based on the result of data processing, obtained value of U=4, The sub table shows that for U=4, have the opportunity to load HO (p) = 0.048, so based on the results of statistical tests above, it is shows that the nol hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. Because the value of p 50,05. It is appropriate with the stated criteria that reject Ho. If p ( a › b) 0,05 is 0,048 ‹ 0,05. Thus the research hypothesis which states that: “Deaf children's language acquisition using the Isyando system of female deaf children is better than that of male deaf children in SLB Beranda Istimewa Grudo Kecamatan Ngawi Kabupaten Ngawi is accepted, which means the ability of deaf girls in adding basic vocabulary using ISYANDO sistem better than the boys


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How to Cite
Yudhawati Darmo , S. (2024). Pemerolehan Bahasa Anak Tunarungu Menggunakan Sistem Isyando. Eduscotech, 5(2). Retrieved from