Mitigasi Dan Desain Sistem Informasi Bencana Adaptif Dan Respon Cepat Di Daerah Rawan Bencana

  • Suparno Universitas Doktor Nugroho Magetan
Keywords: Magetan Regency, Landslide Vulnerability, Vulnerability Level, Mitigation, Geographic Information System


Magetan Regency is one of the regencies in East Java Province that is prone to the threat of landslides, this happens because Magetan Regency is located on the slope of Mount Lawu so it has a relatively steep slope. This research utilizes the application of Geographic Information Systems for vulnerability analysis. The level of landslide vulnerability in Magetan Regency uses 4 parameters, namely: soil type, land use, rainfall, and slope. This study aims to: analyze the distribution of landslide vulnerability levels in Magetan Regency, analyze the dominant factors of landslides in Magetan Regency, and formulate recommendations for landslide disaster mitigation in Magetan Regency. The method used in this study is a survey with a vulnerability level analysis unit. The sampling method in this study uses stratified random sampling based on the strata of land units.

The data analysis methods used are, tiered overlay analysis, frequency table analysis, landslide vulnerability map analysis and field survey. The results of this study are 4 maps of landslide vulnerability, namely not vulnerable, less vulnerable, vulnerable, and very maintained. The average level of vulnerability in Magetan Regency is less vulnerable with an area of 36503.02 Ha. The dominant factor causing landslide vulnerability in Magetan Regency is land use with a percentage of 28.30%. Improper land use can cause land damage and loss of ability to minimize landslides. Disaster mitigation recommendations in Magetan Regency based on the results of analysis and field surveys are divided into 2 forms, namely: structural mitigation, and non-structural mitigation.


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Vira Ananda Zulfa, Hasti Widyasamratri (2023). Analisis Mitigasi Bencana Sebagai Upaya Manajemen Risiko Bencana Tanah Longsor
How to Cite
Suparno. (2024). Mitigasi Dan Desain Sistem Informasi Bencana Adaptif Dan Respon Cepat Di Daerah Rawan Bencana. Eduscotech, 5(2). Retrieved from