Peningkatan Prestasi Belajar PKn Materi Norma Melalui Metode Kooperatif STAD Pada Siswa Kelas VII-B SMP Negeri 4 Pagerwojo Semester I Tahun 2019/2020

  • Suwito Utomo SMP Negeri 4 Pagerwojo Tulungagung
Keywords: Civics Learning Achievement, Norms,, STAD Cooperative


The learning process must be carried out in a fun and meaningful way so that the
learning objectives can be achieved. Improvement of the student learning process is a central point in
improving the quality of education. Because improving the quality of education is basically improving
student learning outcomes, according to Bambang Riyanto (2013). The achievement of increasing
learning outcomes can be supported by an effective learning process, namely learning that can achieve
the learning objectives itself optimally. In the teaching and learning process there must be some
weaknesses that can affect student learning outcomes. One learning model that is very useful to help
students grow cooperation, critical thinking, in the ability to help friends is cooperative learning. STAD
cooperative learning is based on togetherness through a learning process that helps students to
understand the learning material.
From the various explanations above, it can be formulated problems that become the focus of
classroom action research, namely: Can the application of STAD Cooperative learning improve student
achievement in Class VII-B SMP Negeri 4 Pagerwojo in 2019/2020 Semester I?. This classroom action
research was conducted with the aim of: Knowing the improvement of student achievement in Class VII-B
SMP Negeri 4 Pagerwojo through cooperative learning in Civics Subjects with Norms.
The subjects of this classroom action research were all students of Class VII-B at SMP Negeri 4
Pagerwojo, totaling 24 students. The researcher chose Class VII-B students because the score obtained
was below the KKM, which was 75. This class action research was carried out for 2 months, from
September to October 2019. Based on the steps applied to 2 cycles in this action research, it can be
concluded as From the results of the data during this study, student learning achievement using the STAD
Cooperative method showed increased learning achievement from each cycle, it can be seen that the
average value of Class VII-B students of SMP Negeri 4 Pagerwojo in 2019/2020 Semester I before the
cycle obtained the average value is only 78.75 with a percentage of completeness 75.00%, then in the first
cycle the average score is 78.8 with the percentage of completeness 74% and in the second cycle the
average value is 88.75 with the percentage of learning completeness students by 100%.


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How to Cite
Utomo, S. (2022). Peningkatan Prestasi Belajar PKn Materi Norma Melalui Metode Kooperatif STAD Pada Siswa Kelas VII-B SMP Negeri 4 Pagerwojo Semester I Tahun 2019/2020. Eduscotech, 3(3). Retrieved from