Peningkatan Kinerja Guru Kelas IV Pada Kompetensi Manajerial Kepala SDN 3 Notorejo Tahun 2020

  • Suharyanti SDN 3 Notorejo Tulungagung
Keywords: Teacher Performance, Managerial Competence, SDN 3 Notorejo


In an effort to produce quality schools, many factors are involved, one of the most
decisive roles is the principal. The position of the principal in the implementation of education in schools
is a central figure who is responsible for the smoothness of the activities of the educational process in
schools. The principal has a very influential role in coordinating, mobilizing, and harmonizing all
educational resources available in schools. The phenomenon that occurred at SDN 3 Notorejo,
Tulungagung Regency based on the author's observations that the principal rarely held meetings with
school personnel to discuss school progress, especially discussing improving teacher performance both
with regard to the program, implementation and achievement results regarding the implementation of
supervision. This causes teachers to be less serious in preparing the Learning Implementation Plan
(RPP) and there are even teachers who are not ready to prepare RPP in the middle of the semester and
teachers rarely have a relationship with the principal.
Referring to the background of the problem above, the researcher proposes the formulation of the
problem as follows "How is the Performance Improvement of Class IV Teachers in the Managerial
Competence of the Principal of SDN 3 Notorejo in 2020?". at SDN 3 Notorejo, Gondang sub-district,
Tulungagung regency. This school action research was carried out at SDN 3 Notorejo, Tulungagung
Regency in Semester 2 of 2019/2020. While the subjects in this study were determined based on certain
considerations. These considerations were the factors of differences in learning abilities between
students, and the environmental conditions of the research location. The subjects of this study is a Class
IV teacher at SDN 3 Notorejo, Tulungagung Regency in Semester 2 of 2019/2020.
The researcher can conclude the discussion below: The process of implementing the Principal's
managerial in improving the performance of Class IV teachers at SDN 3 Notorejo, Tulungagung Regency
includes preparing an activity plan, leading teachers and staff, managing facilities and infrastructure
properly, creating a culture and conducive work climate.


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How to Cite
Suharyanti. (2022). Peningkatan Kinerja Guru Kelas IV Pada Kompetensi Manajerial Kepala SDN 3 Notorejo Tahun 2020. Eduscotech, 3(3). Retrieved from