Peningkatan Prestasi Belajar Agama Islam Materi Qada’ dan Qadar Melalui Metode Talking Stick Pada Siswa Kelas VI SDN I Nglampir Tulungagung Semester II Tahun 2018/2019

  • Sufyan Tsauri SDN 1 Nglampir Tulungagung
Keywords: Learning Achievement, Qada' and Qadar, Talking Stick,


Islamic religious education is education based on the Qur'an and Sunnah, Arief,
(2002:29). It contains scientific goals, besides that, the goal is to become a human being as a caliph who
can carry out his duties properly. Meanwhile, according to Muh Fadhil al Djamaly, (1994:17) Islamic
education is a process that directs humans to a good life and concerns the degree of humanity in
accordance with basic abilities (fitrah) and teaching abilities (external influences). The quality of
learning will not be possible without the performance of students who are sensitive, critical, independent,
creative, and responsible. Students are one of the human resources that determine the quality of learning,
Sukardi, (1999:176). Learning in the classroom is still dominated by teachers so that they are less able to
build better perceptions, interests, and attitudes of students. Most students experience boredom due to the
teacher-centered learning model so that the lack of interest and attitude of these students has an impact
on learning achievement which is generally unsatisfactory. The researcher wants to develop the Talking
Stick model to improve the mastery of the material and the activeness of students in the learning process
which will affect student achievement in processing, searching, and discussing with friends in small
groups. One method that can be used to solve this problem is the application of Talking Stick.
Based on the background of the problem, the problem in this study can be formulated as follows:
"How is Islamic Learning Achievement in Qada' and Qadar Materials Improved Through the Talking
Stick Method for Class VI Students of SDN I Nglampir Tulungagung Semester II Year 2018/2019?". From
the problems that have been formulated, the purpose of this study is to improve the learning achievement
of Islamic religious subjects in the Qada' and Qadar material through the application of the Talking Stick
Method to Class VI students at SDN I Nglampir, Tulungagung Regency, Semester II 2018/2019, totaling
18 students. The research was carried out at SDN I Nglampir, Bandung District, Tulungagung Regency.
Learning Achievements of Islamic Religion in Qada' and Qadar Materials Through the Talking Stick
method for Class VI Students in the 2018/2019 Academic Year Semester II of SDN I Nglampir, Bandung
District, Tulungagung Regency has increased. This can be seen from the average value and student
learning completeness which is increasing in each cycle. The average pre-cycle score of students is 73.89
with a completeness percentage of 55.56%. In the first cycle, the average score of students was 79.44
with a completeness percentage of 72.22%. It increased in the second cycle with an average value of
90.56 and the percentage of completeness was 100%..


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How to Cite
Tsauri, S. (2022). Peningkatan Prestasi Belajar Agama Islam Materi Qada’ dan Qadar Melalui Metode Talking Stick Pada Siswa Kelas VI SDN I Nglampir Tulungagung Semester II Tahun 2018/2019. Eduscotech, 3(3). Retrieved from