Peningkatan Prestasi Belajar IPA Materi Pewarisan Sifat Pada Makhluk Hidup Melalui Metode Picture And Picture Pada Siswa Kelas IX-B SMP Negeri 2 Gondang Semester I Tahun 2019/2020

  • Budi Riyanto SMP Negeri 2 Gondang Tulungagung
Keywords: Learning Achievement, Science, Picture and Picture


Sciences (IPA) is a subject at the SMP/MTs level that is related to how to find out about
nature systematically (Alfana, et al, 2015). Science learning is a learning process that emphasizes natural
phenomena and their relationship between these symptoms, so that the science learning process does not
only emphasize the cognitive aspect, but also includes attitudes, processes, products and applications that
must be carried out thoroughly (Wahyuni, 2011). 2015).
The subjects in this study were Class IX-B students of SMP Negeri 2 Gondang in 2019/2020 with a
total of 34 students. The reason the researcher makes the research subjects is Class IX-B students of SMP
Negeri 2 Gondang in 2019/2020 because the average learning value of Science Subject students is still
less than the KKM of 75. The Picture and Picture learning model relies on pictures as a medium in the
learning process. These pictures become the main factor in the learning process. So that before the
learning process the teacher has prepared an image that will be displayed either in the form of a card or
in the form of a large chart. Or use Power Point or other software.
Based on the research data above, it can be concluded that: Science Learning Achievement in
Inheritance of Traits in Living Things Through the Picture and Picture method in Class IX-B Students in
2019/2020 Semester I SMP Negeri 2 Gondang has increased. The average value of Pre-cycle students is
67.06 with a completeness percentage of 55.88%. In the first cycle the average value is 76.47 with a
percentage of completeness of 79.41%, an increase in the second cycle with an average value of 92.35
and the percentage of completeness of 100.00%. Thus the hypothesis which states that if in science
learning the Inheritance of Traits in Living Beings the teacher can apply the Picture and Picture Method
well, then the learning achievement of Class IX-B students of SMP Negeri 2 Gondang Semester I
2019/2020 will experience improvement has been proven to be true.


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How to Cite
Riyanto, B. (2022). Peningkatan Prestasi Belajar IPA Materi Pewarisan Sifat Pada Makhluk Hidup Melalui Metode Picture And Picture Pada Siswa Kelas IX-B SMP Negeri 2 Gondang Semester I Tahun 2019/2020. Eduscotech, 3(3). Retrieved from