Peningkatan Prestasi Belajar Siswa Kelas III Mata Pelajaran PKn Materi Sumpah Pemuda Menerapkan Metode Make A Match Di SD Negeri Kedoyo 2 Kecamatan Sendang Kabupaten Tulungagung

  • Sapani Sekolah Dasar Negeri Kedoyo 2 Sendang Tulungagung
Keywords: Student Achievement, Civics, Youth Pledge, Make A Match


Civic education is a subject that focuses on forming citizens who understand and are able to carry out their rights and obligations to become intelligent, skilled and characterized citizens as mandated by Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. To create a more advanced education we should modernize learning methods us, which the developed countries have long abandoned. One of them is by applying the Make A Match method. With this technique students are required to be more active. The focus of the problem that is prioritized in this research is the desire to develop learning to deal with problems faced by teachers in the classroom. The problem that will be developed in this research is how to increase students' understanding of preparing activity plans, as an important component in the lesson, so that students' ability to understand the lessons given can be high/increase.

The purpose of this research is to find out an objective picture of improving the learning achievement of third grade students of SD Negeri Kedoyo 2 through the Make A Match method in Civics learning material for the first semester of 2019/2020 youth oath with a total of 22 students. This research was carried out from October to November 2019. Based on the implementation of each research cycle, it can be concluded that the learning achievement of third grade students at SD Negeri Kedoyo 2, Sendang District, Tulungagung Regency in 2019/2020 Semester I experienced an increase after learning was applied using the Model learn Make A Match in Civics subject matter of youth oath. This can be seen from the increase in the average learning outcomes and learning completeness in each cycle. In the results of the values ​​before the cycle obtained an average value: 72.27 with a percentage of completeness 40.91%, in the first cycle the average value was 78.18 with a percentage of 77.27% and in the second cycle an average value was 83, 64 with a percentage of completeness of 100%.


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How to Cite
Sapani. (2022). Peningkatan Prestasi Belajar Siswa Kelas III Mata Pelajaran PKn Materi Sumpah Pemuda Menerapkan Metode Make A Match Di SD Negeri Kedoyo 2 Kecamatan Sendang Kabupaten Tulungagung. Eduscotech, 3(1). Retrieved from